Monday, April 9, 2007

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan/ A stately pleasure-dome decree: –Samuel Taylor Coolridge

You know you are fucking old when somebody asks you, "What are you playing?" and you answer them, "Something from when I graduated high school...

...93 'til Infinity by Souls of Mischief." And they look at you and just shake their head with that Could you be any more ancient and feeble look. This just reminds me that I was in a music malaise when I attended school. The following year, 1994 (if you weren't paying attention) I attended an English course at CSU. The discussion was, get this: Literary criticism is not a solely academic enterprise, because students often discuss the lyrics of their favorite songs in a contemporary type of literary development. ???? Did you get that? The Proffesor then proceeded to discuss the dreamlike imagery of Bono, Robert Smith (wait not that guy, this one) and... check this, Suzanne Vega. Now I was perplexed and shocked, and I bit my tongue because I listened to music and had not verbal masturbation with anyone else on the intended meaning of The Dead Milkmen's "Stuart" or the sole purpose implied by The Stone Roses "Fools Gold". They're just lyrics, not words of wisdom. But not to be outdone with outlandish statements, the Proffesor proceeded to recite Peter Piper by Run D.M.C.
"...And on the mix real quick, and I'd like to say
He's not Flash* but he's fast and his name is Jay.
It goes a one, two, three, and...
Jay's like King Midas, as I was told,
Everything that he touched turned to gold...
...And like all fairy tales end
You'll see Jay again my friend, hough**!"
No wonder I smoked and drank my way through most of my classes.
*The Prof held a round table on the meaning of this rhyme with the word Flash and suggested that there were several different possibilities; citing Grandmaster Flash, another DJ, and the comic book superhero Flash, as the rightful owner to the name in the song. The class actually debated this. It didn't matter the outcome or the final summation, just the fact that we argued this.
**Notice the "old school" spelling of Ho.

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